Case Study: How we helped QuadPay Support Over 4 Million Users and Achieve a 9-Figure Exit

Case Study: How we helped QuadPay Support Over 4 Million Users and Achieve a 9-Figure Exit

Case Study: How we helped QuadPay Support Over 4 Million Users and Achieve a 9-Figure Exit

QuadPay, a rapidly growing fintech company, faced a significant challenge as it expanded its user base from a few thousand to over 4 million. The key to their remarkable growth lay in the foundational customer success strategy.

QuadPay, a rapidly growing fintech company, faced a significant challenge as it expanded its user base from a few thousand to over 4 million. The key to their remarkable growth lay in the foundational customer success strategy.

Challenge 1

From 10,000 to 100,000 customers

QuadPay's successful product-market fit led to an incredible growth phase, with the company expanding from 10,000 to 1 million customers. However, this exponential growth also brought new challenges that the company had to overcome to continue its success.

Challenge 2

60,000+ Tickets a Month

QuadPay generated 60k monthly tickets from 300k conversations. But, managing the high volume of tickets consumed execs' and team members' time. They needed a better way to handle customer questions.

Challenge 3

300,000+ Communications

The number of monthly inbound communications grew from 3,000 to 300,000, including chatbot interactions, emphasizing the need for scalable customer support infrastructure.

Challenge 1

From 10,000 to 100,000 customers

QuadPay's successful product-market fit led to an incredible growth phase, with the company expanding from 10,000 to 1 million customers. However, this exponential growth also brought new challenges that the company had to overcome to continue its success.

Challenge 2

60,000+ Tickets a Month

QuadPay generated 60k monthly tickets from 300k conversations. But, managing the high volume of tickets consumed execs' and team members' time. They needed a better way to handle customer questions.

Challenge 3

300,000+ Communications

The number of monthly inbound communications grew from 3,000 to 300,000, including chatbot interactions, emphasizing the need for scalable customer support infrastructure.

Challenge 1

From 10,000 to 100,000 customers

QuadPay's successful product-market fit led to an incredible growth phase, with the company expanding from 10,000 to 1 million customers. However, this exponential growth also brought new challenges that the company had to overcome to continue its success.

Challenge 2

60,000+ Tickets a Month

QuadPay generated 60k monthly tickets from 300k conversations. But, managing the high volume of tickets consumed execs' and team members' time. They needed a better way to handle customer questions.

Challenge 3

300,000+ Communications

The number of monthly inbound communications grew from 3,000 to 300,000, including chatbot interactions, emphasizing the need for scalable customer support infrastructure.

Our Solution

Implementing Zendesk for Efficient Support

Implementing Zendesk for Efficient Support

A crucial element in CX's strategy was the complete implementation of Zendesk, a leading customer service software. This integration was pivotal in managing the surge in customer interactions as QuadPay grew exponentially.

Benefit 1

Omnichannel Support

By leveraging multiple support channels such as phone, chat, and email, along with a chatbot and a comprehensive help center, customers were able to receive assistance in their preferred mode. This approach led to an impressive customer satisfaction (CSAT) rate of over 95%.

Benefit 2

Faster Customer Feedback to Product Change

QuadPay utilized the valuable insights obtained from Zendesk reporting to integrate customer feedback into their product development cycle. This showcased their dedication to user-centric enhancements. After analyzing inbound inquiries and root causes, they discovered a single feature that reduced the number of negative customer satisfaction reviews by over 30%.

Benefit 3

Cost-Effective Scaling

Despite the traditionally high cost of growing a customer support team, QuadPay was able to employ the “minimum effective dose” of staffing to ensure timely resolution of customer issues at a reasonable cost by leveraging Zendesk’s entire technology suite to deliver automated support.

Expanding on Efficiency and Scale

QuadPay, with Custyy's innovative strategies, achieved remarkable efficiency in customer support operations, which was critical to managing its exponential growth in user base. Here are the key data points and their implications:

Rapid Resolution

Over 90% of conversations were resolved in under 4 hours, setting a high standard for responsiveness. This rapid resolution rate was instrumental in maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and trust, demonstrating QuadPay's commitment to its users.

Massive Scale in Inbound Communications

The scale of operations expanded from 3,000 to an astonishing 300,000 monthly inbound communications, including interactions managed by the chatbot. This growth represents a hundredfold increase, highlighting the scalability of the customer support infrastructure powered by Zendesk and Custyy's strategic planning.

Efficient Deflection and Ticket Management

With 60,000 monthly tickets generated from the 300,000 conversations, QuadPay needed a way to stop questions from even being asked. Thanks to sophisticated chatbot and a robust help, center QuadPay was able to achieve an 80% deflection rate. This means that the vast majority of inquiries were effectively handled without the need for direct human intervention ensuring the fastest possible replies to all customers.

Data-Driven Strategy

The emphasis on using customer feedback for product changes and focusing on customer satisfaction metrics like CSAT and NPS scores for driving reviews and policy adjustments underscored a data-driven approach. This strategy not only improved customer perceptions but also directly influenced the product's evolution to better meet user needs.

Driving Reviews and Ratings

Custyy implemented a strategy to solicit reviews from customers proatively. This led to QuadPay achieving stellar ratings of 4.7 to 4.8 on app stores and Trustpilot.

Conclusion: A Model for Scalable Customer Support

QuadPay's collaboration with Custyy in overhauling its customer support system provides a compelling case study on scalable customer support.

By leveraging technology, focusing on efficiency, and maintaining a customer-centric approach, QuadPay managed to handle a massive increase in user inquiries without compromising on service quality.

This case study exemplifies how innovative solutions and strategic planning can result in significant business growth and customer satisfaction, serving as a model for other companies facing similar challenges in scaling their operations.

Good customer support fuels sustainable profit growth

Good customer support fuels sustainable profit growth

Good customer support fuels sustainable profit growth

25% to 95%

25% to 95%

25% to 95%

Increase in profits by increasing retention

Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by between 25% and 95%. (Bain and Company)




More customer referrals

Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to recommend that company. (Qualtrics XM Institute)

Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to refer that company. (Qualtrics XM Institute)

Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to refer that company. (Qualtrics XM Institute)

500% to 2,500%

500% to 2,500%

500% to 2,500%

Cheaper to retain existing customers (Invesp)

Cheaper to retain customers (Invesp)

Cheaper to retain customers (Invesp)

89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience. (Salesforce Research)

89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after positive customer service. (Salesforce Research)

89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after positive customer service. (Salesforce Research)

25% to 95%

Increase in profits by increasing retention

Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by between 25% and 95%. (Bain and Company)


More customer referrals

Consumers who rate a company’s service as “good” are 38% more likely to refer that company. (Qualtrics XM Institute)

500% to 2,500%

Cheaper to retain customers (Invesp)

89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after positive customer service. (Salesforce Research)

What can you expect working with us?

What can you expect working with us?

What can you expect working with us?

Expertise from 15 years scaling businesses across multiple industries

Effortless implementation into existing systems

Ongoing monitoring, analysis, and evolution of solutions for maximum value

What can you expect working with us?

Expertise from 15 years scaling businesses across multiple industries

Effortless implementation into existing systems

Ongoing monitoring, analysis, and evolution of solutions for maximum value

“How do I know it will work?”

We’ve spent 15 years scaling companies across multiple, completely different industries  (consumer B2C, consumer crypt/fintech, B2B/B2C crypto/fintech, B2B supply chain, and more). We use a repeatable framework that has worked across industries and sizes.

“What if I don’t feel comfortable using AI?”

While some current AI solutions can be helpful for your team, we we’ve been scaling businesses with automation for a decade before the current AI craze. We can help you automate with or without AI.

“What if need help immediately?”

The support world is plagued by the detrimental beliefs that ramping up a team takes 30, 60, or even 90 days. Our expectations are much higher. We’ve created processes to "come in hot" and make an impact on your customer experience in days, not months

“What if I don't have time to train you”

No worries. We find whatever we need; with access to your internal communication tool or knowledge base to help us answer questions that come up.

“How do I know it will work?”

We’ve spent 15 years scaling companies across multiple, completely different industries  (consumer B2C, consumer crypt/fintech, B2B/B2C crypto/fintech, B2B supply chain, and more). We use a repeatable framework that has worked across industries and sizes.

“What if I don’t feel comfortable using AI?”

While some current AI solutions can be helpful for your team, we we’ve been scaling businesses with automation for a decade before the current AI craze. We can help you automate with or without AI.

“What if need help immediately?”

The support world is plagued by the detrimental beliefs that ramping up a team takes 30, 60, or even 90 days. Our expectations are much higher. We’ve created processes to "come in hot" and make an impact on your customer experience in days, not months

“What if I don't have time to train you”

No worries. We find whatever we need; with access to your internal communication tool or knowledge base to help us answer questions that come up.